Category Archives: Pokemon

Pokemon X/Y Review

I finally did it. After receiving Pokemon Y from my host family in Japan, having to buy a Japanese 3DS because the 3DS is region-locked, and a failed attempt at playing the game in Japanese, I beat it. I’ve been playing Pokemon since Gold/Silver when I was in 3rd grade, and I’ve been obsessed ever since. Pokemon is still my favorite video game franchise. Needless to say, each new game holds a special place in my heart. So let’s get right into it!

Continue reading Pokemon X/Y Review

Hey there! It’s been a while.

Sorry I’ve been absent for so long. I’m studying abroad in Japan for a year, and I don’t really have time to play video games, and I’m also running another blog so this blog is essentially going on hiatus for a year. But I saw this article and felt like I should share. Games are really getting beautiful:

Right now I’m pretty much limited to playing my 3DS, so I’ve been playing mostly Animal Crossing, but my host family bought me Pokemon Y so I’ve been playing that too. I initially was playing in Japanese but it got too difficult–it literally took me several hours just to get my starter–so I started over in English. Amazing so far.